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Harmonizing Innovation: 3D Printing's Rhythmic Revolution in Music

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Conference Abstract: Join us for an electrifying journey through the intersection of art, technology, and sound as we unveil a groundbreaking case study – the creation of a professional 3D-printed drum kit that was used in the 2022-2023 Panic! At The Disco Viva La Vengeance tour!

Dan Pawlovich, unibody drum creator and touring drummer for Panic at the Disco, and Claydeen Adams, Sr. Product Engineer at Stratasys Direct Manufacturing will share the amazing story of how Dan’s initial spark of creativity evolved into a full-blown revolution in the world of custom musical instruments.

Attendees will see:

• Dan's creative genius as he describes the initial design and prototype of the drum, then expanded into the development of a full 3D-printed drum kit that toured the world.

• The design freedom and customization that 3D printing can achieve, enabling musicians and other craftsmen to explore creativity and innovation.

• The alchemy involved with materials and sound, as Claydeen and Dan will explain how different materials were meticulously selected to craft a drum kit that not only delivered a diverse range of sonorous experiences but also withstood severe temperatures and continuous impact.

• The remarkable sounds produced by this 3D-printed drum kit, and how the unique properties of 3D-printed components influenced the tonal quality and character of his drums, offering a fresh auditory experience for concert-goers.

• The fusion of technology and artistry, as our speakers highlight how precision engineering was utilized in crafting these exceptional instruments.

This presentation promises to be an inspiring revelation for musicians and technology enthusiasts alike and is a rare opportunity to gain insight into the mind of a successful musical artist who dared to dream big and brought those dreams to life with cutting-edge 3D printing technology.
  • Claydeen Adams
    Sr. Project Engineer
    Stratasys Direct Manufacturing
  • Dan Pawlovich
    Drummer, Producer & Music Director
    Owner - Treble Hook Music & 3D Drums, Touring Drummer - Panic! At The Disco, Drummer - Valencia